Monday, May 19, 2014

Let the Journey Begin!!

Welcome to my blog!! This is my first official blog post! I'm really excited to begin this journey, it's been a long time coming...and if anyone is reading out there... thanks for joining me along the way.

First let me tell you a bit about myself, my life and the reason for my blog. My name is Jennifer, I'm 30 years old and I recently got engaged to my best friend and love of my life, Nate.

I am an attorney at the NYS Assembly. I have two cats, Scotch and Brandy, and in the not to distant future I'm sure kids will be on the way as well.

I have a really good life, some could go as far as to say a great life...I have a supportive family, great friends, I love my job... what more can someone ask for right?

But I still have somehow managed to forget all of these amazing things and the amazing qualities that I have, and for the past several years have been completely consumed by my relationship with food, working out and my body image. Up until my mid 20's I had a very healthy relationship with food, I ate when I was hungry, stopped before I was overly full, and stayed pretty active... but all that has changed. Between some rather stressful moments in my life, the natural slowing of my metabolism and the fact that I'm a serious emotional eater I put on some extra weight... about 20lbs extra! Since then I have struggled... constantly counting calories, punishing myself at the gym...punished myself for not going to the gym... always doing something to the extreme... but I could never sustain it... I always failed and the few pounds I might have lost came right back. (Sound familiar to anyone?)

So now... onto the reason for my blog... I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about this constant struggle to lose weight, and the emotional pain I've put myself through...all because I believed I needed to be and look some other way, because that would somehow make me a better person. Well... I finally decided... I'M DONE!! I gave my scale and measuring tape to my fiance and told him to hide them and not give them back, and deleted my "myfitnesspal" app on my phone. I'm done trying to lose weight... I just want to be happy, healthy and confident! So that is the journey I wish to share with you... not only to help keep myself on track, but also because I feel like there are so many people out there like me... punishing themselves for every calorie consumed, staring in the mirror at every imperfection... and why? for what?

My plan is simple... To cook and eat mainly clean unprocessed (and where I can local and organic) foods (this weekend I slowly started transitioning the food in our house), to only eat when I'm hungry, to be proud of the accomplishments I've achieved, remember that change of any kind takes time, and be happy with who I am ... now, in this moment. I want to see food and the gym as they should be seen... as tools I can use in my journey to becoming healthy. I'm going to prove that you don't need to count calories and deprive yourself to be happy with how you look...that some fad diet isn't going to make you healthy...and there is no quick fix. I know I'll have to work really hard every day to change the way I have been looking at my life...I'm sure I'll stumble along the way... but I'm up for the challenge...and I want to share that with all of you, in the hopes that I can inspire you to do the same.

So with all that said... WELCOME...and...LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for your new journey in life and within this new blog. I feel lucky to be joining you on this new excursion. Lets do it!!
